Ealing Free Summer School 2020

In the last year, we have been offering Free Maths sessions in Ealing with support from Young Ealing Foundation Funding. However, due to school lock-down in the light of Covid-19, we had to move this entire project online.
These lessons immediately became oversubscribed, and requests for more topics, core subjects and other support for more ages began to increase. With so many contacts in the Ealing area, we spoke to local teachers, parents and tutors and found that many parents felt that their students were losing touch with the national curriculum, and that the options currently available for tuition and help were not sufficient, far too expensive for the people who need them most - nor were they tailored to the Ealing Borough.

We know that as a result of the pandemic millions of families in the UK have fallen into poverty and this means resources for additional, non-essential education (Supplementary Education) are more needed than ever.
We have worked with over 5000 people with lived experience of educational poverty, and we have seen just how vastly these low cost, safe spaces and open opportunities make an impact - both for social inclusion and community integration, as well as for personal development for students (mentally and academically).

We knew that we had the ideal skill set to run this to
the effective and beneficial level. With
Znaniye Schools experience in delivering the highest
level of Supplementary Education in person and online,
their accreditation, such as the NRCSE Quality Mark, and Special Distinction Awards, the Ealing Safer Schools Mark, coupled with Znaniye Foundation’s history with support and opportunities to low-income families in the Ealing area.
We were confident that we could contribute to having an impact on children's educational success and wellbeing in the Borough. Those at the forefront of the project, have lived experience of the issues we are trying to address.
And so, we decided to launch the Ealing Borough Free Online Summer School.
The project was open to absolutely any and all students, however we knew that we could particularly help low-income and low-access families, as well as BAME communities, that in the UK traditionally have
less opportunities to educational services and out of school help.
Our goal was to be able to provide a wide range of accessible and enjoyable subjects to students of Nursery, Reception, Primary and Secondary School Age over a 6 week time frame from July 27th; To supplement some education lost due to the Covid-19 Lockdown with Core Subjects such as Maths, Science, English, History, and Geography, Creative Subjects such Music, Art and Drama, and Wellbeing programmes .
Then, our team got to work!
We created posters and flyers that we handed out across the Ealing Borough, at parks, shops, bus stops, around houses, and to passers by. We posted across social media groups and community groups looking for books, stationary and donations, which we put together into custom bags to later hand personally to children on Free School Meals
Along with our posters, social posts and footwork, we were incredibly proud to receive full support and backing from Ealing Council.
In particular Councillor and Ex Ealing Deputy Mayor Seema Kumar, who worked to spread the project through the council teams, and connect us with Ealing Learning Partnership and Ealing Grid for learning, via the Head of the Department for Education.
Ealing Learning Partnership and Ealing Grid for Learning worked to promote the scheme to all schools in the Borough - which ensured that we could reach as many students and families as possible.

Youtube Campaign Video featuring volunteers and local families!
Over the 6 weeks, we had an incredible turn out - from both teachers and students.
All teachers and volunteers worked entirely for free to plan and run their sessions, from full time school teachers, early years teachers, Special Needs educators, charity workers and professionals; And students logging on each day to catch up on school subjects, learn brand new topics and expanding their interest
Over 38
teachers on board
Over 146 sessions online
Over 2085
lesson sign ups!
Over 100 books donated
Over 200 posters
put up
6 weeks of free lessons

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The students attended sessions week after week, catching up on lessons they studied in school and learning new topics, and so we wanted to give them a chance to share what they have learnt so far.
We received lots of submissions from students with posters they have made about lessons, teachers and topics they have attended. Take a look below at some of the submissions:
For the full detailed post regarding our End of Project Zoom Event - please click here!
To end the fantastic 6 weeks, we held an online Zoom Session to thank our students and parents,hear from our VIP's and Top Supporters, announce our poster competition winners,and hold our Fundraising Virtual Raffle!
We were delighted to have so many students and teachers come online to tell us about their personal experiences, as well as to have parents also share their feedback
(which you can read here.)
Additionally, we were joined by some of our charities top supporters and VIP Guests - who shared their views on the project and the benefits of Community let events, Supplementary Education and youth support.
The event ended with our incredible Fundraising Raffle - with all proceeds going to our future projects, and all prizes donated from local establishments: The Village Inn, Atlantis Restaurant, Tranquillity Salon, Present Company, Charlies Fruit Bowl, Pitshanger Book Shop and EL&N!
We then gave a special thanks to, Seema Kumar - Ealing Councillor and Ex Deputy Mayor, James Murray - Ealing North MP, Pascale Vassie OBE - Director of the National Resource Centre for SUpplemetary Education (NRCS), Elly Heaton-Virgo - CEO of Young Ealing Foundation, Honorary Alderman Mushtaq Lasharie and Aina Mamaeva - Philanthropist and CEO/Founder of Znaniye Russian School.
We cannot give enough thanks to the incredible people and organisations that supported, believed and helped us make this project possible.
Seema Kumar
Sarah Thompson
Judith Finlay

Ealing Grid for Learning

Union Tuition

Ealing Council

Minds in Harrow Heads Up

Young Harrow Foundation

The Centre for ADHD & Autism

Ealing Learning Partnerships
Znaniye Foundation is thrilled to announce that
we were awarded The Learning Award,
at the Children & Young People Now Awards 2021
for our Ealing Borough Online Summer School.