
How The Project Began
The idea of the project came to the team while discussing the upcoming year of 2021. While thinking about the numbers, we remembered that 21 is the number of days needed to establish a habit and what is the best way to start the year if not by making something positive a habit? The year of 2020 brough some tough expereinces to many, hence, it is highly important to remind the childern and generally people of any age how important support and kindness is.
"Be kind, for everyone you meet is fighting a hard battle."
The Project
Did you know that according to researchers 21 is the number of days needed to establish a habit? The best way to start 2021 is to give a little bit of kindness to someone or even make a habit out of it!
The year of 2020 was tough for many. In the dark days it is especially important to remember to be kind to each other and we Znaniye Foundation (with support of Znaniye Russian School) are trying to teach this to our kids. That is why we are delighted to invite our students and their families to join our first project of 2021 – “21 days of kindness” or #MonthOfKindnessWithZnaniye!
The concept is simple: from 1st till 21st of January every participant should perform an act of kindness (anything, from making a cup of coffee for mum in the morning to helping a stranger with a heavy grocery bag) and record it (a photo or video). All of the content should be delivered to alisa@znaniye.com by 24th of January with the topic “Month of Kindness”. By 'the content' we mean a video, a collage or any type of compilation of these 21 actions. Afterwards, the contestant with the highest number of likes and votes will get a prize from Znaniye Foundation in collaboration with Znaniye Russian School! Parents and whole families can take part in the project as well as the children. We welcome all ages!
The project is going live on December 23d and will end with the announcing the contest results on the first week of February.
Getting involved
To get involved, ask anything about the project or confirm participation, please, get in touch with alisa@znaniye.com. To participate in the contest, you can also simply send the complication of your materials to the same address by January 24th 2021.

Info in Russian