HAF Ealing Easter Day Club
FREE for


The Programme
In spring 2021, we were contacted by Ealing Council following our work this year and offered the chance to apply for The Ealing Council’s, HAF’s programme (a government programme funding local authorities’ enriched holiday activities and healthy food services, since 2018.) We were thrilled to be granted the funding to coordinate free and fun provisions that Easter Holiday (2021) for 30 local children who are registered for FSM (Free School Meal).

We were very excited to be accepted to provide 4 consecutive days, of 4 hours a day, in-person activities overall. These holiday provisions for students in the Ealing Borough were free for children registered to Free School Meals, from ages 5 - 11. From 1pm - 5pm each day the children were able to join us for a whole host of activities, games indoors and outdoors, exercise, learning, and fun, plus a healthy lunch included - all for free.
Many families in the community rely on school services for their most basic needs, and as such holiday periods can be daunting and worrying for many; coupled with the delays caused by COVID-19, and the slow resuming of physical services - we were thrilled to be able to organise such a project for our community.
The Day Club Details

The Free in-Person Easter Holiday Day Club ran from the 12th - 15th April, for 4 hours a day. During each of these days, children were cared for, fed lunch and participated in numerous activities and classes that they could enjoy, and for many, try for the first time. These activities included interactive and fun core lessons such as Maths and English, Arts and Crafts, Indoor Games and Outdoor Exercises, Food Preparation through Cooking, Gardening Training, as well as a healthy and enjoyable meal.
From arts and crafts sessions which saw the young students create their own rainbows, and spring chicks for Easter, gardening and seed sowing to take home, drama lessons and dancing - and even a sports day; The four days were a fantastic opportunity for students to be able to socialize outside of school, and outside of the limits of Covid, a chance to make friends, and learn new ways to stay engaged.
12th - 15th April 21
1pm - 5pm Day
Ages 5 - 11
St Barnabus
Church Hall,
Pitshanger Lane, Ealing, W5 1QG
All of the activities were planned personally by our volunteers, tapping into their own talents and hobbies, making sure to center around ensuring the students were able to stay stimulated mentally and physically whilst they were out of school. Students rely on school provisions for many reasons, from food to childcare, tuition to even social interaction and we were thrilled to be able to partake in making these options still happen for children in our local borough. Not only did our team plan a week of fun for the pupils, but we were also beyond thrilled to be joined by an incredible organisation - The Flying Seagull Project - who came to provide a full, interactive theatre performance for the children. The laughs roared, both from the children... and the staff!

This was a prime example of the benefit of organisations with a similar mission, passion and ethos
coming together to provide children with new experiences.
This project was one of the first opportunities that Znaniye Foundation has had to work and support children in person, since the pandemic, and it made it that much more evident how vital these community programmes are for our youth and future generations.
More than ever, parents are relying on local offerings and support to continue to keep children stimulated. And as such we are now working to come back this summer to bring it even bigger and better.
This summer we are returning and hoping to surpass the achievements of last years Free Ealing Summer School,
by combining elements of the Free Ealing Summer Holiday Camp, which due to the lifting of lockdown restrictions - means we are now able to provide the camp fully in person.
By signing up for this event, you will be able to keep track and receive updates and new information on our plans and work and be alerted when we open up our registration
Keep an eye out as spaces are limited, so signing up for updates could ensure your child's spot.
In order to make this next club a success, we are currently working to raise funds. Funds will cover food for the children, materials, and more that will enable us to cater to the students needs both physically and mentally for a full month.
Even the smallest donation will make a difference. If you are able to contribute anything, or what to read more about why we are doing this, please click here https://gofund.me/8949ec91
If you have any questions whatsoever, please do let us know by emailing us:
Local Contacts:
Here you can find links to other local organisations, contacts and more - who will be able to support you and your family now, and in the future:
Family Information Service
Ealing FoodBank
Ealing Job Centre
The Samaritans
CAMHS (Mental Health Support)
Pests (Parent Support for SEN)